Who We Are

Hi there! I’m Julie. Welcome to this little place that I share with my friends, Courtlandt and Cassidy. Come in and get to know us. We are so glad you are here!

We are all mamas who met when our husbands were in seminary in Los Angeles. Not only were we seminary wives, but we were also neighbors! It was a crazy time of busyness and learning for our husbands, but we had each other and other great women to spend time with and learn from. Now we are in Canada, Texas, and California, and it gets harder to stay in touch as we settle into our new homes and our families grow. But that’s what makes this place special to us. We can break away and be together again. 

There’s nothing more like a breath of fresh air to us than a real community of moms centered around our faith and value of each other. We want to live life together, encourage each other, and share that healthy dose of love with you over a cup of freshly roasted coffee or hot tea. Won’t you join us?

We all have a story. We’ll tell you ours, and we’d love to hear yours. So stay awhile--it takes a few minutes for our kettle to heat up anyway. Cassidy is already pulling out a few of her favorite coffee mugs, and Court just made cookies, which smell delicious! 

And now for the introductions!

Julie (Vancouver, BC):
I'm the one from the Great White North, aka Vancouver, Canada! I am so happy you are here. A little bit about me: I am a wife of the most loving man on the planet (I am a little bias), new mama of one irresistible baby boy (who is barely a baby anymore), and one of the few who get to say I love my day job.

To be honest, I have no idea what someone would say about me if they had just  met me. I could guess they would tell you I'm talkative and full of energy. But the truth is, I am far more introverted than I come across. My idea of a good time is sipping a Starbucks Soy Chai Latte (I'm the furthest thing from lactose intolerant--I just love soy milk) while having a great, deep, real-life conversation with a dear friend.

As I said, I love my day job. Just this year, I have taken photography up as my full-time career while hanging at home, writing every chance I get, and spending endless time with my little guy. I am obsessed with anything and everything to do with decorating, organizing, and taking photos of all the things I am decorating and organizing!

But truth be told, I don't come without flaws! I am a horrible cook (and actually despise being in the kitchen), horrendous at grammar (couldn't do this without these other lovely ladies), and would pay someone to exercise for me. Thankfully, I have a Lord and Savior who loves me more than words could ever express, and my greatest joy can be found in knowing He has a plan and purpose for all of us.

Welcome here--I hope we can be friends!

Cassidy (San Francisco, CA):
If we just met, it might be a little awkward. Only because I’m a little awkward. I constantly live in the tension of being introverted while wanting to know people more. I’d probably ask you what you're passionate about before I know your name. I'd also ask you questions about where you’ve been, where you’re going, and who you've met along the way. Sure, we can talk about our favorite coffee shops in the city and who makes the best \pho, but it’s the deep stuff I really love.

I’d spend some time talking about my husband, who makes me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. And I’d have to mention my three kiddos, who remind me to appreciate all the little, yet very important things in life. I’d tell you where I church and about the great people I’ve met there and how they make me feel like I have a family in the city. I’d have to tell you about Jesus, because no one has ever so radically changed my life as this one person. He flips everything around and makes life exciting.  In between, I’d tell you about some of the places I’ve been, marked by the people I’ve met there and what I’ve learned from them.

I wouldn’t have to tell you I don’t sleep much and life is a bit crazy, because you’d see it in my eyes and you’d notice the chaotic swirl of little darlings at my ankles. But I hope you also see joy, because even on the hardest of days there is joy to be found.

Won’t you join me? Joy is so much easier to find with a friend.

p.s. I like you already.

Courtlandt (Houston, TX):

We’re all different, aren’t we? 
Cassidy is this amazing and inspirational mom who gently raises her sweet three to love God, care for their bodies and the environment, and has her finger on the pulse of their passions from an early age. Julie—can we just pause here and report her design skills to HGTV? She has an eye for photography, design, and fashion, and her mother’s heart is passionate and committed. She’s just getting started on this journey of parenthood—but then, aren’t we all?

And me? I’m glad, glad to see you here. I’m the southern third of our trio, a little shy at first, but my smile is reaching my eyes already. I’m the real-life kind of messy that you can understand and relate to. I’ve got a whole lot of heart, and I’m hoping to share it with you. I’m the wife of an amazing husband, the mom of a three year old daughter, a dedicated collector of art supplies and unfinished projects, a passionate baker and cook, and a newly-obsessed makeup dabbler.  I’m a week-day nanny, a weekend museum-walker and coffee shop-hopper, an NBA watcher, an instagrammer, and a nature lover. My heart pulses with love for my family and friends. And there's nothing more comforting to me than the knowledge that my God is in all the daily details, right there with me to offer peace in the chaos, direction when I'm overwhelmed, and also an undeniable joy that I never could have found otherwise.

And you? We’re waiting to find out what makes your heart beat wildly, how the Lord is working in your heart as you mother your littles, and how we can help you grow. Stay awhile?


  1. Hey ladies! I ran across your blog via Cassidy's facebook and I'm excited to follow along! Although Cassidy and I only spent a short time together as classmates, that whole 'tell me who you walk with and I'll tell you who you are' deal has me pretty excited to "meet" her friends too :)

    1. Hi Theresa! So glad to have you follow and get to know us more! I love how we can share our thoughts and listen to others. And YOU inspire me! So I hope you don't mind me sharing your heart and space: http://theresammeacham.com -Cassidy


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