10 Things Every New Mom Wants You to Know

1. She may just fall of the face of the earth
We all know babies are all consuming. She will spend a lot less time on social media, she will loose her phone 4 times a day, and she may just decide at times it is "family time" instead of talking on the phone/hanging-out-with-you time.

2. She may always be late
Seriously, as someone who was never late for anything I am surprised how often I am late now. Everything takes twice as long, so just have a little grace when maybe not only the first time, but the second time and third time she is late.

3. Baby is all she will talk about.
Many moms have nursing problems, colicky babies, and babies who wake up very often at night. When you ask her how she is doing, don't be surprised if it is often the same topic. Yes, she should try to ask you how you are doing and possibly talk about something more then her life but truth is it will come up and if you truly care about how she feels you will listen and be patient.

4. Don't be surprised if she always asks you to come to her house.
Babies nap, babies go to be early, babies need to nurse and a lot of these things are just done better at home. But don't worry as her kids get older it will change again and she too will completely understand when you have your own kids.

5. Make her a meal or two when baby arrives
Out of every single thing people did for us when we have our first son it was making us a meal that was the MOST helpful! Were starving!!! No need to explain, just do it.

6. Don't tell her she looks exhausted, because she is and she does not need the reminder!
No one likes to hear they look exhausted it really is just another way of saying... you look bad! Truth is she is exhausted and instead of pointing out how she looks instead, come over, watch her baby (if she is comfortable with it) and let her take a nap.

7. Support her if she has to cut a coffee date short.
Before I had my son I judged people all the time for not having their kids on a nap schedule! But truth is, it is not that easy. Your baby changes every day and I would have to say it is not until now (10 months later) that we have a pretty consistent nap schedule. Till then I had it was all up in the air. Baby woke up early, slept later, wouldn't eat blah blah blah. I had to come late to breakfast dates and leave early from friends houses, that was just the way it was.

8. Accept things will change and either adapt or move on, her life will never be the same.
Things have changed forever. She has a child now and that is her priority. Don't get me wrong it can hurt when your friends aren't there like they use to be or when it starts to feel like they don't try very hard. I don't think it is right that you are always the one making the effort, that friendship needs some reconsideration or a good talk but having some understanding is key. By all means through it all I hope she appreciates you!

9. Her house may never look the same, don't judge.
Just don't judge. She may not have time to clean it and its ok! As her baby becomes a toddler her sink may be full of dirty dishes, laundry all over the place and her house not cleaned for weeks. She may just live in yoga pants and her kiddies may be running around in just a diaper every time you come over. That is just life for now. Just love on her as she is!

10. Don't examine her baby when you come over.
If you didn't already know, all babies develop differently. So don't come over and point out why your other friends baby is crawling and hers is not. You get the point. All babies are different and instead of examining them just love on them.

Yours Truly,

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