Well I promised a few posts back a few DIY's were on there way.
But sure enough life happened and I have yet to fully complete any of them! Every day nap time arrives and I think... I need to take some photos of these DIY's in progress. But sadly something catches my attention like the sink full of dirty dishes, the laundry that is still in the dryer or the little cries I hear coming from my son room... awake a little early.
So finally 8pm comes along and I try again but at that time there is not a single ounce of natural light coming through a window (a necessity for good pictures... the perfectionist in me as a photographer).
I don't think I can put all the blame on the stack of dirty dishes or the unfolded laundry for hogging all my time. Last week something special happened it our house... and truth is it is making our house a lot more active.
This past week my Dad came over for dinner, as my little guy cruised around our house while holding our hand my dad challenged us to let him walk on his own. Sure enough with a few tries and little a bit of encouragement our little man was taking his first few steps by himself. We were beyond ecstatic.
Now, everything has changed. Every day his confidence grows more and more, he gets stronger and stronger, and everyday my husband and I find ourself needing to keep just a bit of a closer eye on him. So three weeks ago I could place him nicely in front of stack of toys and sure he would crawl around here and there (he was never much of a crawler but he gets around a bit) and this week he is pulling himself up onto everything and at times taking the risk of walking on his own.
I could not be more excited for Summer with this new milestone our little guy has tackled. Our house makes me go a little crazy going around and around our kitchen and living room with a nearly running toddler. So the dirty dishes and unfolded laundry will most likely have to wait just a little longer while my little guy perfects this new skill.
Now for a bit of a heart to heart, in all honesty I do not know how so many Mothers of one or MORE do it. How easy so many make parenting look. And for all the Mothers who don't know where the days go, see the dark circles under their eyes and not sure when the last time they washed their hair was... I am with you. Girl you are doing great!
Yours Truly,
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