Growth Chart DIY

Well I have promised a DIY for way too long!

First up: Growth Chart.

To be honest I found it hard to get a handful of nice photos through the process of making mine, so instead I thought I would just try to explain it, again it has been too long.

We have all seen them, the giant ruler growth charts!
A few months back I stopped at a friends house just for a quick visit, while there I saw her gorgeous wooden growth chart. It was a must have. After explaining all she needed was a sharpie, wood and stain to do it (plus a few more supplies I will explain), I was hooked. I not only made one for myself but one for both my sister-in-laws.

The whole thing took me about 1.5 to 2 hours long, and did not cost me more then $30:

1. Buy a 6 foot .... (Home Depot, Rona) Approx. $10
2. I started by drawing faint pencil marks with a ruler at every inch going up the board, making sure I made the half and feet marks a bit longer.
3. After double checking all the lines looked straight and accurate I grabbed a brand new black sharpie and went over all of the lines.
4. For the numbers, if you have stencils that would work really well and save you a lot of time. I did not so I printed very large numbers (1-5) off of Word in a font I liked. I then cut out all of the numbers and taped them onto the feet lines. Then I traced them with a pencil and then went over them with a sharpie.
5. After all of that was complete, I took a break.
6. After a short break, I had bought some oil, wood stain in colour: "Walnut". You can get whatever colour you like but I found the "Walnut" gave it a really nice finish. About $15 from Walmart.
7. I applied the stain while following the instructions on the back: applying and whipping as I went along.
8. I kept the chart outside for a handful of hours and then kept it in our kitchen for a few more days since the stain can be quite strong and did not want it in my son's room.

Easy-peasy. Hope you enjoyed! I loved this idea for my own kids and also as a really thoughtful, easy, fairly cheap gift you can make for others!

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