It was literally overnight that my little guy went from laying on his back to rolling just about everywhere. Days later, what was once a happy baby on the floor, was a frustrated little boy crying until he was up on his feet holding someone's hands while scouting out the house for his next destination. Within that same time frame, while sitting on my husband's lap at his desk our little man reached down and pulled open his desk drawer, doing it over and over again. And, finally, what was once a content baby sitting in his highchair, is now a screaming toddler wanting to get out or for me to give him the bowl and spoon to feed himself.
What happened?
It was like yesterday when I could take a nap next to my baby without him picking my nose and kicking me in the face. Oh, how things have changed.
It was like yesterday when I could take a nap next to my baby without him picking my nose and kicking me in the face. Oh, how things have changed.
I have been well aware that each new stage of our child's life comes with new blessings and new challenges. But, oh, how unprepared I am. There is nothing in life that can ever prepare you fully for parenthood. I don't think you can ever read enough books, babysit enough kids, or talk to enough other parents to know exactly what being a parent feels like.
I have worked many jobs in my life, and, without a shadow of a doubt, being a parent has been the hardest one. I only have one kid. He isn't even walking, and he is about the happiest baby I know--and it's still hard work. But as I said, with every new stage comes new blessings and new challenges.
What was once a screaming baby at nap time, is now a sleep-trained baby, who falls asleep within minutes of being put down. A baby who once breastfed for 45 minutes can suck it back now within 10. And a child who would not play by himself for 10 minutes while I ran to the bathroom is now a pretty content baby... I can most likely even blow dry my hair.
There is nothing like knowing that yes things may just get harder in some areas, but there will be others that will get easier. Oh Lord, I am not prepared for these years ahead, but, thankfully, I have a God I can trust throughout the process. I have a God I can turn to in those moments when my patience is slim, my strength is weak, or my joy is limited.
Yours Truly,
Yours Truly,
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